What is the best gun for a beginner?

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I've just started playing Apex and all these futuristic guns look similar to me! I'm not a sniper, I prefer automatic firing mode, like AR or SMG guns.

So what will be your advice for a newbie? Which gun has balance between firing power, accuracy and ease of use?
in Apex Legends by (590) | 2.4k views

1 Answer

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In my opinion there can't be any "best gun", because it depends on your game style. E.g. if you're sniper, you'll pick one setup, but if you like to rush - there will be another.

But if you have just started, your choice is middle range battles.

I would suggest taking one of those for beginners:

  • Spitfire - has the highest magazine size, huge damage and DPS, but very low rate of fire
  • Wingman - low recoil and high damage gun.
  • R301 Carabine - high rate of fire with low damage, mixed with very low recoil make this gun one of the easiest to control.
by (750)

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